In the era of digitalization, many services have become available online. Thanks to information technology, it has become easier for people to access new knowledge without leaving home. It caused a real revolution in education, which led to the formation of dozens and hundreds of different online schools, courses, training programs, intensives, and more.
Currently, you can learn almost anything at home: from nuances of microbiology to how to visit and become an expert in gambling. Course creators are looking for new approaches and methods of presenting information to interest the audience and be competitive in such a crowded industry.
If you create an effective course and share your skills with others, you begin to position yourself as an expert in the field and attract like-minded people. In this review, you can learn about the main stages you need to go through to create an effective course that can benefit people and money.
Main Steps You Should Take to Create an Online Course
Check the main stages you should pass through to start your online learning business. Mention that they are universal and can be used no matter what specialty you join.
Select the subject
When choosing a topic, it is necessary to take into account not only the area in which you are an expert but also the level of interest of the potential audience in your courses. For this purpose, you can create surveys and use various marketing studies to help you understand your potential customers. Simply answer the following question: would people like to buy and learn your lessons?
Test the idea
Once you have a general idea and an idea for a future course, you need to test it. Use a landing page builder, create a description of the lessons and add all the necessary information to help your clients reach your idea. Don’t forget about CTA elements and the pre-purchase option. It will give you an understanding of the relevance of your future course.
Do not rely on your perception of the market, as it can be deceiving. It is necessary to assess your capabilities and the relevancy of the topic you will reveal.
Analyze the topic
Now you should look at similar courses that are already on the Internet. Analyze them and your idea to find uncovered topics that interest potential users.
Plan your future course
A well-designed outline is a key to success. Make a list of lessons and highlight separate topics within each of them. Always stick to the logic and gradually develop the topic. Don’t forget that the art of teaching is the step-by-step management of your audience.
Build up the content
It is the most time-consuming stage, where you sketch, group information, analyze data, and so on. If you already have experience in this area, then use ready-made materials. Change, adapt, and refresh them – saving you time and effort. Suppose you create a course on gambling topics that helps people minimize risks.
So, you should clearly define every step, describe the peculiarities of various titles on existing examples, and add relevant data (for instance, link to the exciting game) to make the content maximum useful.
Make the course available online.
Once you’ve got everything together and framed, it’s time to create a platform to build your project. If you have an already existing highly specialized portal, you can use it. If not, create a website or use ready-made templates from website constructors. For example, you can look at the design of popular portals like Coursera, Udemy, etc.
Sell your lessons
Depending on your needs and business plan, you can choose one of four main ways to sell content. These can be private lessons for rent or purchase, subscription to a channel, paid plans, or private lessons in real time.
The issue of pricing often puzzles content creators. And this is not surprising because many factors affect the cost of your lessons. So, you need to take into account the prices of competitors and take into account the time you spent creating the course. It is also necessary to adequately assess the course’s value and the topic’s popularity.

Pay attention to the promotion.
You must make yourself known in the market and expand your audience at this stage. Modern technology gives you various tools, from regular email marketing to remote collaboration with other experts and affiliate programs. Try to make your lessons multilingual to cover a larger audience.
Collect the feedback
Use analytics tools to understand the mood of your audience and always be competitive. Don’t neglect sections with comments, various grading systems, and sections where users can send feedback and help you improve.
Create the community
Creating a course and promoting it is great. However, if you plan to progress in your success, it is important to create a community of like-minded people in which you can both give and receive help, advice, and more.
Such a community can have various forums, user sections, groups on social networks, connected messengers, and more. In such a community, there will be people who can exchange their ideas, experience, knowledge, and so on. This will serve as an additional tool to attract new customers. Many course creators neglect this step because they consider this activity purely individual.
Modern realities and the development of technological progress contribute not only to the rapid s[read of information but also to the opportunity for a large number of people to access it. Every day, new courses appear on the Internet on various topics aimed at people with different goals and levels of training. If you decide to take your place in this niche and create your own product, you must seriously approach all the steps described above.